Thursday, March 30, 2017

MechaFrog Alpha Version 0.0.6

Now that the basics are in with player mechanics, I can focus on other things such as enemies. I decided to add just one enemy type for now, which is a wall mounted turret. I also added a sliding door, animations to weapon shooting, item pickups, as well as a few other things. I feel the game is really starting to come along nicely.

Alpha Version 0.0.6 Release Notes
  • added Pause Menu
  • added hackable sliding door
  • added wall turret enemies
  • fire animation added to Blast Cannon
  • fire animation added to Plasma Gun
  • current run play time only increments when the game isn't paused
  • item pickups and interactables now highlight when in range
  • moved menu options out of Debug Screen and into Pause Menu
  • inventory button now closes the Inventory Menu when pressed
  • fixed bug where runtime counter would hide on smaller screens
  • fixed bugs with Android bluetooth controller shooting
  • added simple tutorial after play game is selected

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Mechafrog Alpha Version 0.0.5

A main issue that's been popping up in the development process has been the lack of an Input Manager. After taking the time to add a simple one that designates what target responds to the inputs given, I'm now able to focus on prototyping a new gameplay concept I've had in mind. This version mainly focuses on my implementation of a Hacking System in which you can interact with locked boxes; 80% correct completion of the displayed sequence will allow you to hack and unlock the box, and anything below will damage you.

Alpha Version 0.0.5 Release Notes
  • added InputManager to more easily control what items respond to input
  • added hacking system which allows you to hack designated interact targets
  • added hackable Scrap Box
  • refactored and abstracted item pickup system to accommodate general interaction targets
  • fixed bug where player would jump after using an inventory item
  • fixed an error with equipping weapons

Sunday, February 12, 2017

MechaFrog Alpha Version 0.0.4

With the basic inventory system in place, it sounded fun to add a few items. I added a few new items for testing weapon equipping and stat affecting. The values used for damage, stat affecting etc aren't indicative of what will be in actual game.

Alpha Version 0.0.4 Release Notes
  • added player ability to equip and unequip ranged weapons with inventory menu
  • added ability to quick use pickup with Crouch + Interact
  • added Charge Cannon weapon
  • added Plasma Gun weapon
  • added Red Card Item
  • added Green Card Item
  • added Yellow Card Item
  • card items do a random affect on use, and keep the same affect based on color for duration of the run
  • HUD displays currently equipped item
  • HUD displays players Health
  • HUD displays players energy
  • shooting weapon requires energy, and depletes energy
  • energy recharges over time, after an initial usage delay
  • fixed inventory menu item icon's aspect ratios
  • fixed bug with pickup system not picking up after first item was collected
  • fixed bug where quick fall (crouch in air) slowed down the fall when falling fast

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Mechafrog Alpha Version 0.0.3

With the basic platforming controls implemented I'm focusing on other aspects of the game. Since I already had a basic inventory system in place I decided to work on adding an inventory menu to see current items and their descriptions.

Alpha Version 0.0.3 Release Notes
  • fixed physics collisions between pickups and characters/enemies
  • switched crouch button on controller to Left Bumper
  • added interact ability with C (keyboard) or Right Bumper (gamepad)
  • interact ability picks up inventory items in the world
  • added inventory menu, open with Tab (Keyboard) or Y (gamepad)
  • added descriptions to inventory items
  • refactored underlying inventory management system
  • added Blue Card item
  • made test scene's dropdowns more toggleable

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

MechaFrog Alpha Version 0.0.2

I'm continuing to make progress on the platform mechanics as well as the development setup of the project overall. This new build includes some basic item collecting, shooting at targets, and an in-game blog feed to keep everyone more easily informed!

Alpha Version 0.0.2 Release Notes
  • added in-game blog feed that loads from online blog
  • added main menu scene
  • added shootable targets that create scraps when destroyed
  • added wall clinging mechanic
  • scraps are now able to be picked up when touched
  • added pickup popup notification that combines when similar notifications are close together
  • added in-game logger panel to read log messages and errors
  • some minor default variable tweaks

MechaFrog Alpha Version 0.0.1

Hi everyone, this is the beginning of my journey on my new project MechaFrog. I am going to remake a game I've prototyped roughly 10 years ago. I have hopes of turning it into a game similar to those I love to play. I am intentionally giving very little info on the project as I have a lot of work to do to present the ideas in a more coherent manner. For now, I'm releasing a build that demonstrates the platforming mechanics I'm working towards.

Alpha Version 0.0.1 Release Notes
  • initial project setup
  • basic platforming mechanics added
  • wall jumping
  • crouch hopping and high jump from crouch
  • double/triple/N jumping in air
  • 8 directional shooting
  • play timer
  • exposed movement variables in custom UI

Note: This post is in February when I set up the blog. Project started mid-November 2016. Alpha 0.0.1 built Nov 24, 2016.